Patent Attorney Paul B. Heynssens Patent Attorney Paul B. Heynssens

Paul B. Heynssens, Of Counsel


As a registered patent attorney, licensed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Paul Heynssens has extensive experience handling patent matters. Paul counsels clients regarding a variety of intellectual property and technology matters including patent prosecution (US, PCT, and foreign) and portfolio management. He has drafted and prosecuted patent applications in a wide variety of areas including electronics, computer systems, software, semiconductors, lasers, and mechanical devices, among others.

Paul was formerly an in-house patent attorney with Microsoft where he helped establish a new patent prosecution group and chaired its training committee. He also practiced with the patent boutique firm of Christie Parker & Hale where he successfully helped increase Broadcom’s patent portfolio a hundredfold. He was also responsible for portfolio development for various clients, ranging from startups to multinationals. In addition, he has experience with large general practice firms, having worked at the Los Angeles office of the international law firm Hogan Lovells.

Before practicing law, Paul was an experienced electronic design engineer. At Motorola, he designed cellular telephone base station equipment, and was an RF design task leader in the development of microwave, UHF and VHF radio transmitters and receivers for military applications. While at Raytheon, he designed circuits for communications equipment for the MILSTAR satellite communications program and designed high rate computer-controlled test equipment for microwave and RF circuits.

Engineering Experience

  • Motorola Cellular Telephone, Arlington Heights, Illinois, March 1990—April 1993
    • Managed power amplifier design team.
    • Designed cellular telephone base station equipment.
    • Designed computer controlled microwave power amplifiers.
    • Worked with stakeholders to translate customer requirements into final product.
  • Motorola Government Electronics, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 1987—March 1990
    • Project leader in the design of microwave, UHF and VHF radio transmitters and receivers.
    • Produced proposals, cost estimates and specifications for obtaining contracts and sub-contracts.
    • Managed performance according to DOD milestones and WBS. System design for transmitters.
    • Designed and built microwave filters, directional couplers, PIN diode switches, antenna matching networks, and other wireless devices.
  • Raytheon Government & Defense Systems, St. Petersburg, Florida, June 1984—November 1987
    • Led engineers and support staff in the design of the Milstar UHF airborne amplifier.
    • Produced contract proposals and bids as primary and as sub-contractor for DOD contracts.
    • Evaluated customer’s radio system specification to provide system engineering design.
    • Led design team to produce RF dividers and combiners, motherboard, and chassis.
    • Design support for the Milstar satellite program including participation in failure review boards.
  • Raytheon Tucson Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, June 1981—June 1984
    • Designed computer automated microwave test station for the AMRAAM missile.
    • Designed and integrated into production line computer automated test equipment for testing RF circuit models.
    • Drafted proposals to the DOD to obtain project funding and managed tasks to completion.
    • Design engineering support provided to numerous aerospace programs.

  • J.D., Arizona State University
  • M.B.A., Arizona State University
  • B.S.E.E., Purdue University

    • Washington State Bar (inactive)
    • California State Bar (inactive)
    • Arizona State Bar (inactive)
    • Wyoming State Bar (retired)
    • District of Columbia, Washington Bar
    • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office